Society for Bioengineers (SBE)

For those who want to learn everything about everything. 

SBE promotes the interests of not only bioengineering but anyone who has an interest in science, 医学, biomedical engineering, 和生物化学. SBE provides all members the opportunity to form connections, collaborate with professors and students, and be a part of a larger community. 



  • 赞助商: Dr. 贾尼斯麦肯齐

  • 总统: 安雅桑德霍尔姆

  • 精神的副总裁: Tawni劳埃德

  • 社会副总裁: 杰西卡Mumek

  • 秘书: Cristina Showalter

  • 项目经理: Isaac Gessele, Ronan Byrd, Ryan Regalado


We want to provide the opportunity to every one of all skill levels to get involved in Bioengineering. We have planned a few activities that will help the student engage in and learn about biotechnology and how engineering integrates with biology.


Bioengineering is a broad field which encompasses a variety of occupations. Some of the fields bioengineers go into include quantitative biology, computational biology, medical or prosthetic design, and drug engineering. According to Christopher Niels, a professor at the University of Washington, “The students in our department are motivated by medical technology, so they work hard to excel in engineering [while recognizing the importance of putting] their hearts into [their] academics” and contributing to the bright future for bioengineering. 

Bioengineering is a large field but there are students currently contributing to the scientific community through their senior project research. Walla Walla University provides Bioengineering Seniors with many options for senior projects such as:

  • 电纺的
  • 生物膜
  • 3 d打印技术
  • 生物反应器

博士联系. 贾尼斯麦肯齐 for senior Bioengineering project options!